Agenda item

Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Resources which presented the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015 and raised any significant issues arising from the accounts (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Assistant Finance Manager, Corporate Finance reported that the statement of accounts had been provided to external audit and that they were available for public inspection until 31 July 2015.


Further to a query raised at a previous meeting regarding housing stock transfers, the Assistant Finance Manager, Corporate Finance advised that 121 garages had been retained.  Councillor Temple enquired if the Council charge rent on the maintained garages and how the retained sites were decided.  He was advised that some individuals were allowed to erect their own garages and did pay rent on them.  The Council retains the land and Assets were aware of the reasons behind the transfers.


On answering a question from Mr Hoban, the Assistant Finance Manager, Corporate Finance explained that Durham City Homes was an organisation in its own right with elected members on the board, and was one of three local landlords that made up the County Durham Housing Group.  Mr Hoban went on to ask about the transfer to the group of County Council Assets.  He was informed that the transfer agreement included making improvements to homes and would enable the company to apply for grant funding.  This would comply with the Decent Homes Standard.  In addition, central government would pay off all debts associated with housing including premiums.


Councillor J Robinson referred to the deficit of 9 schools within the accounts and expressed concerns about what could be done to support them.  He was advised that the Schools Forum look at the level of reserves and would support schools to achieve a balanced budget.  Councillor C Carr suggested that the Head of Education and Cabinet portfolio holder should be made aware.  The Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager informed Members that the Head of Education would identify risks and that his team would work with and visit the schools to support any issues raised.


Mr Hoban referred to the Annual Governance Statement and in particular the mention of the new website. He commented that it was difficult to search for Audit Committee information and enquired if customers were asked for feedback.



That the attached Statement of Accounts for the County Council for the financial year ended 31 March 2015 be approved.


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