Agenda item

Drug Strategy 2014-17 Update - Report of Director of Public Health


The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health that provided members with an annual progress report on the delivery of actions of the Drug Strategy for County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


Jane Sunter, Public Health Portfolio Lead highlighted the aim and strategic objectives under the Preventing Harm, Restricting Supply and Building Recovery in our Communities themes and reported the developments that had already been implemented.


Councillor Lawton asked if the work being carried out on preventing self-harm, drug abuse and suicide were linked. The Public Health Portfolio Lead responded that there was a vast connection and confirmed that work was integrated with other development areas.


In response to questions from Councillor Adam regarding preventative measures and the people susceptible to drug misuse, the Public Health Portfolio Lead explained that her role was to expand the remit and one of the main focuses would be to better educate. A great deal of work had been carried out to encourage people and their families to make behavioral changes. She continued to add that victims who experience emotional, physical and sexual abuse often turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism.


Following a query from Councillor B Graham regarding recruitment of ambassadors to the new drug and alcohol integrated service, the Public Health Portfolio Lead explained that many ambassadors come through services themselves. They receive training, support and monitoring that could eventually lead to paid employment.




(i)       That the contents of the report be noted;


(ii)     That a progress report be considered in 12 months.


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