Agenda item



The minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2015 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising


The Head of Planning and Performance, Jenny Haworth referred to Minute 5, page 3 of the agenda pack and noted that, in relation to a question from Councillor A Shield in terms of tenants arrears and whether moving to properties with fewer bedrooms was an option, there was discretion within providers to be able to rehouse where appropriate.  The Head of Planning and Performance also advised Members that in relation to an issue raised by Councillor L Armstrong in terms of a breakdown of child poverty statistics by electoral division, up-to-date figures would be produced after October 2015 and circulated to Members after this time.


Councillor A Shield noted that the scales used on graphs within reports, namely that as regards sickness absence figures, were such that a large proportion of the graph was empty, with the data being within a narrow band.  Councillor A Shield noted that it had been agreed to use a scale that starting at a figure closer to the data values, not at zero, to allow a widening of the scale to give better resolution. 

Councillor N Martin noted he disagreed with the idea and believed that it was important to have any graphs starting at zero.  The Head of Planning and Performance noted she did not recall any agreement to start graphs axis at a non-zero figure, however, would check as regards this.  It was added that the use of zero as a starting point was good practice, to avoid overstating variance.  Councillor J Armstrong noted that he believed that it had been a suggestion, rather than a resolution in respect of the graph scales, however, if the Officers could look at the issue and report back to Councillor A Shield in this respect.


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