Agenda item

DM/15/00793/OUT - Land to the east of Prospect Place, Commercial Road East, Coxhoe

Construction of 55 residential dwellings comprising 22 affordable dwellings and 33 open market dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping and engineering works (outline, all matters reserved except access).



                The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the construction of 55 residential dwellings comprising 22 affordable dwellings and 33 open market dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping and engineering works (outline, all matters reserved except access) (for copy see file of Minutes).


                The Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout. Members of the Committee had visited the site and were familiar with the location and setting.


Members were advised of a late representation which had been received since the publication of the Committee report. The applicant had proposed a financial contribution to provide for additional educational provision within the area and a £4000 public art contribution.


The Senior Planning Officer further advised that condition number 12 was now no longer required as landscape proposals could be considered at the reserved matters stage.


Mr G Caldwell, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee and provided an overview of the application. The developer had been involved in extensive dialogue on the proposals for over 2 years and had significantly reduced the density of the site from an application which they had withdrawn the previous year.


The applicant had developed 127 properties on the adjacent Limes scheme which had been very successful, an estate where there were also affordable bungalows. Furthermore the applicant had worked hard to bring many contributions to the local area and had always maintained a close working relationship with the Parish Council.


40% affordable housing provision on the proposed development was double the requirement and 8 of the affordable dwellings would be bungalows. Mr G further advised that the application site was brownfield, would generate local employment and also make improvements to the wildlife site.


The Senior Planning Officer clarified that the site was actually greenfield. Despite is having been a previously developed site, it had been regained by the landscape so was no longer brownfield.


Seconded by Councillor Conway, Councillor Lethbridge moved approval of the application and upon a vote being taken it was;


Resolved: “That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report, excluding condition no.12”.



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