Agenda item

Quarter 1 2015/16 Performance Management Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Chairman thanked the Corporate Scrutiny and Performance Manager, Tom Gorman who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 1, 2015/16 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of minutes).


Members were asked to note that the volume of customer contacts would be recorded and reported in terms of a rolling 12 month period, similar to sickness absence reporting, in order to smooth out any seasonal peaks. 


Councillors noted that some of the key achievements in Quarter 1 included: continued good performance in terms of handling telephone calls, especially in the context of an increase in the number of telephone calls received; reduced footfall at Customer Access Points, noting a reconfiguration of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system meant figures as regard customers seen within the 15 minute target would be reported at Quarter 2; and better than target performance sustained for both new benefit claims and change of circumstance.  It was added that the collection rate for council tax and business rates had achieved target; the percentage of invoices paid within 30 days had exceeded target; and the Council Plan actions were making good progress with the Iken software management system within Legal Services having been completed ahead of target and the Office Accommodation project being on track. 


It was explained that key performance issues going forward included: the employee appraisal rate being below target; sickness levels were still outside of target, though it was noted this was the subject of an ongoing Overview and Scrutiny review; and the Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests responded to within deadline had deteriorated and remained below national target.


Members were asked to note that Council Plan actions which had not achieved target were set out from page 91 of the report and included the ongoing development of customer service standards and the development of performance indicators in terms of Welfare Reform, although both areas were being progressed.


The Chairman thanked the Corporate Scrutiny and Performance Manager and asked Members for their questions on the report.


Councillor N Martin noted in regard to Discretionary Housing Payments, there appeared to be an 80% reduction from previous figures and asked whether this was correct or a typographical error.  The Corporate Scrutiny and Performance Manager would follow up and confirm the reason for the difference in figures.   


Councillor M Wilkes noted page 98 of the report referred to customer contact via “web forms” and asked whether any comparisons could be made with other Local Authorities as he felt that the figures as reported represented a very low percentage.  Councillor S Wilson noted that it could be due to access to the internet rather than issues with web forms on the Council’s website.  The Corporate Scrutiny and Performance Manager noted that not all services provided by the Council had customer access via web forms, adding this was something that was subject to review. 


Councillor M Wilkes noted that the issue had been raised at Committee two years ago, in terms of making services accessible via the website, and therefore asked that a list of what services were available online, what could be done online, and what could not be done, be provided for Members’ information.  Councillor J Armstrong suggested that the Council’s Head of ICT, Phil Jackman attend a future meeting of the Committee in this respect.  The Head of Planning and Performance noted that this had been a concern of the Committee and that at the next meeting of the Committee, the Council’s Head of Projects and Business Services could give an update on the implementation of the new CRM system and how the setting up of such web form was enabled through the new system.


Councillor J Hillary noted that recent press articles had highlighted the general trend of the use of bailiffs by Local Authorities and asked whether this was used in the first case or a last resort by the Authority.  Councillor J Armstrong noted it was a last resort.  Councillor M Wilkes noted he had sight of the warning letters sent to those in arrears, explaining that there was a staged approach and the letters were worded very reasonably.  Councillor M Wilkes asked whether it was a case of 4 letters from the Authority, then bailiffs were instructed, or did an Officer from the Council attend an address prior to instructing bailiffs.




That the content of the report be noted.


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