Agenda item

CAS Local Test of Assurance


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Planning and Service Strategy, Children and Adult Services that sought approval of the Local Test of Assurance (LToA) developed in May 2015 by Children and Adults Services (for copy see file of Minutes).


Further to the meeting of 27 July 2015, the Strategic Manager Service Support, Children and Adults Services informed Members that there had been only one previous version of the document when CAS was established and had been very light touch.  He assured Members that the document had been approved by CAS Management and Corporate Management Team and consultation had taken place with the three Cabinet Portfolio holders.  He stressed that benchmarking had proved difficult as it was not a statutory document however, they did look at 8 other local authorities and assessed the inspection outcomes before and after the new guidelines were introduced.  It had been found that the regime included much harder inspections and improvements that were required had been highlighted.


The Strategic Manager Service Support advised that there was an imminent Ofsted inspection due and it would be helpful for them to see the document.


Councillor L Armstrong asked if this should be approved by Scrutiny before the Audit Committee, and mentioned that Scrutiny was referred to on page 1 of the document.  The Strategic Manager Service Support advised that Scrutiny are informed of plans and strategies but that it was not necessary for this document to be reported to them.  The Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager added that as this was a governance document the best avenue was for the Audit Committee to see it.  He assured Members that Scrutiny would have sight of plans and strategies.



That the report be noted.


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