Agenda item

Performance Management Quarter 1 2015/16


The committee received a report and presentation of the Corporate Management Team, Assistant Chief Executive and Leader which presented progress against the Council’s basket of performance indicators for the Altogether Greener theme and report other performance issues for the first quarter of the 2015/16 financial year, covering the period April to June 2015 (for copy of report and slides of presentation, see file of minutes).


The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager provided a detailed presentation which gave an update on performance relating to the following:-


·       Performance summary

·       Key message in relation to cleaner, more attractive, sustainable environment.

·       Refuse and recycling.

·       Improved environmental cleanliness: litter and detritus.

·       Improved environmental cleanliness: dog fouling.

·       Fly-tipping.

·       Actions and outcomes: operation: stop it.

·       An improved local environment.

·       Condition of the local authority road network.

·       Carbon emissions.

·       Maximise value and benefits of the natural environment.


The Chairman thanked the Officer for her presentation, which showed a very positive picture.


Councillor Clark indicated that it was a good report and sought clarification on the removal of the garden waste bins for those residents who did not take up the scheme.


The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that a letter drop was going to be done about the green waste scheme and once they knew the take up of the scheme they would look into collecting the bins for those who had not signed up. She also commented that the Council would not remove any bins which were not empty.


Councillor May asked for details of what a PACE interview was.


The Officer responded by informing him that this was an interview of alleged flytippers conducted by council officers under caution and followed procedures set down in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act. (PACE)


Councillor Clare also referred to the garden waste scheme and that there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the scheme and asked for an update on the scheme as there was 6,000 tonnes of waste not collected and he feared that the take up for next year would be reduced.


The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that they were doing lots of monitoring and that a full update on the Garden Waste Scheme by the Head of Projects and Business Services would be coming to the next meeting which will cover the points raised by Councillors Clark and Clare.


Councillor Jewell referred to litter bins and in his area a lot of residents picked up litter and left it in sacks to the side of litter bins which had resulted in other residents placing inappropriate rubbish next to the bins.


The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that this was classed as flytipping and all flytipping data was analysed.


The Chairman sought clarification if the Council worked with housing associations about inappropriate rubbish left next to bins and could a leaflet be produced to advise residents that this was classed a fly tipping.


The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that they had a lot of service level agreements in place and worked closely with housing associations and the ‘stop it’ campaign was currently looking at white goods.


Resolved: That the contents of the report and presentation be noted.

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