Agenda item

European Structural and Investment Funding Update


The committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development which provided Members with details of the latest developments with regard to European Structural and Investment Funds Low Carbon Economy funding and set out the opportunities that were available to County Durham (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader updated Members on the current position and advised that the exchange rate had currently changed which had resulted in a reduced value for the allocation from £18m to £10m and that transport was no longer part of the programme.


Durham County Council’s Business Energy Efficiency project bid had been submitted and County Durham Business Hub had also submitted their bid.


The bid by Auckland Castle Trust for a geothermal renewable energy scheme for Auckland Castle had also been submitted. Durham University and the Environment Agency had also submitted a bid to create a water science hub which would be a virtual research and innovation platform on water, science and technology.


Members were also advised that the guidance had been issued which was released on 24 September 2015 and the deadline for bids was 25 September 2015.


The Chairman thanked the Officer for her very informative presentation and hoped that the Council were successful with the bids.


Councillor Clare asked if there were any opportunities and plans for insulation.


The Officer responded that they were pushing innovative schemes and that wall insulation was not new and that there were schemes in the Craghead and South Moor areas that were innovative. The Sustainable and Climate Change Team Leader advised she would provide the Overview and Scrutiny Officer with a copy of the guidance.


Resolved: That the contents of the report be noted.

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