Agenda item

4/10/955/FPA - Durham Crematorium, South Road, Durham, DH1 3TQ.

Erection of single storey extension to Durham Crematorium to accommodate replacement cremators, associated plant, boiler room and garden store, new electricity substation, and revised parking arrangements.


Consideration was given to the report of the Development Control Manager (Durham City Area Office) which recommended the application for approval. The Development Control Manager gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report and advised members that since the report was written it had become apparent that the crematorium lies within the Durham Green Belt and an Area of Landscape Value. Accordingly, the proposed work to be carried out must be measured against Local Plan Policies E1 and E10.


Policy E1.2 allows the construction of new buildings within the Green Belt for essential facilities associated with cemeteries and Durham Crematorium lies within such a land use and was closely associated with it. Accordingly, this application was in line with a development permissible within a Green Belt and there would be no impact upon openness.


Policy E10 allows development within Areas of High Landscape Value provided that no demonstrable harm results. This proposal, due to its size and well contained location, would have no such impact. As a result, this policy’s objectives had bee met.


The Chairman advised members that they were unable to visit the site as funerals were taking place.


Councillor Plews indicated that the development was required due to legislation requiring the removal of mercury from crematorium emissions by January 2012 and if not met a financial penalty would be imposed. She asked members to support her and approve the application.


Resolved: That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions contained in the report.


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