Agenda item

Police and Crime Plan 2015-17 - Mid-year Update - Report of Police and Crime Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) which provided details of progress in the achievement of policing priorities in the Police and Crime Plan 2013-2017 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The PCC provided the Panel with details of activity undertaken for each of the four activities in the Police and Crime Plan for 2015-17.


The PCC referred to the staffing numbers in the report and informed the Panel it was likely that officer numbers would reduce to 1,050 from 1,175 and police staff reduce by 130 to 775.  However, due to the age profile of officers and the rate of retirements, the force had embarked on a recruitment drive to recruit 50 police officers.  In reply to a question from Mr Dodwell regarding which category PCSOs fell into, the PCC replied that PCSO numbers were included in police staff.  Councillor Jones asked that these be distinguished as such in future figures.  The PCC informed the Panel that Durham Constabulary currently had 155 PCSOs and there were no plans to remove these from the establishment as they were a key element of Community Support Teams.


Mr Dodwell reported that his Parish Council had provided information to the police on speeding traffic which had been captured on speed guns but had been told that the evidence provided did not meet the Home Office requirements for prosecution.  This was very disheartening for the Parish Council who felt that it was not getting the support of the police.


Councillor Hopgood referred to the problem of parking around schools.  PCSOs currently could not issue penalty tickets for such offences, and if police officer numbers were to reduce, this parking problem could worsen.  Councillor Hopgood asked whether PCSO powers could be extended to allow them to issue penalty tickets, as Neighbourhood Wardens currently had the power to issue fines.


The PCC replied that there was an ongoing national consultation on the powers of PCSOs.  Work had taken place with Newton Aycliffe schools and proactive work had taken place outside of schools as part of accident harm reduction.


Referring to the issue raised by Mr Dodwell, the PCC informed the Panel he was disappointed by the response the Parish Council had received.  He requested that Mr Dodwell forward the speeding data and responses to him and he would raise the matter with the force.


The PCC circulated details of the latest gradings of HMIC in the areas of effectiveness and efficiency which ranked Durham Constabulary as being outstanding in 5 out of 6 categories and good in the 6th category.  The ratings showed Durham Constabulary to be the top performing Force in the country.  The Force was the only one in the country to achieve a rating of outstanding in all 3 efficiency categories and this excellent performance reflected the work of officers, PCSOs and staff within the Constabulary, as well as work which took place with partners, communities and the voluntary sector.


Mr Dodwell praised the Force on this achievement and asked what publicity was being given to it.  The PCC replied that a press launch had taken place on 19 October to publicise the achievement.  Councillor Allen added that members of the Panel needed to ensure that news of the achievement was fed into their communities.  The Chief of Staff, Office of the PCC informed the Panel that there tended to be a bias in the media towards presenting the negative rather than the positive and it was therefore important for the PCC’s office, the Constabulary and Panel members to make local communities aware of this news.  Banners to promote this would be placed outside of local police stations and Mr Dodwell suggested that they be displayed at PACT meetings as well.


Councillor Allen thanks the PCC for his comprehensive report which provided a good insight into work taking place.  She referred to the introduction of 20 m.p.h. speed limits outside of schools and informed the Panel it was important to recognise the work of Overview and Scrutiny on this.  Mr Dodwell asked whether the PCC was in discussion with Darlington Borough Council about 20 m.p.h. limits outside of schools.  The PCC replied that these schemes were already in place in the Darlington Borough Council area.



That the report be noted.

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