Agenda item

Q1 Performance Report 2015-16 - Report of Chief of Staff, Office of the Durham Police and Crime Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Chief of Staff, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner which provided a quarter 1 performance update and received a presentation of the interactive performance report which was available on the PCC’s website (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor Allen praised the interactive performance capability of the PCC’s website and also the performance figures which were being achieved.  She asked how this information could be shared with those who did not have access to the internet.


The Chief of Staff replied that consideration was being given to distributing a hard copy of the performance figures to local libraries as well as using existing publications such as Durham County News and Darlington Together.  Councillor Forster informed the Panel that libraries held information about community events and meetings and if the information was provided to the organisers of these this would help to get the information to those without internet access.  Councillor Hopgood suggested that placing the information in doctors surgeries may be another method of distributing the information.


Councillor Hopgood referred to the figures for domestic abuse which were broken down between male and female victims and offenders and asked whether the figures could be broken down further, for example, by age.  The PCC replied that work to produce such a breakdown of the figures could be done and he would report back to the Panel on this.


Councillor Allen informed the Panel that she had attended a Wisedrive event at Newton Aycliffe, which targeted young people before they became drivers, and praised the multi-agency services which were involved in the event.  The PCC informed the Panel that 2 fewer schools attended the event this year compared to last year.  This was disappointing and the PCC asked members of the Panel to bring the event to the attention of school governing bodies may encourage greater participation.  Councillor Hopgood asked that members of the Panel be provided with details of schools which had and had not attended.


Councillor Allen asked whether there had been any progress towards minimum unit pricing for alcohol.  The PCC replied that all three north east PCCs had all signed up to minimum unit pricing and this was still being promoted.



That the report be noted.

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