Agenda item

Update in relation to Petitions - Report of Head of Legal and Democratic Services


The Board considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services that provided an update on the current situation regarding various petitions received by the Authority (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Committee Services Officer reported that since the last update, 4 e-petitions had been submitted, of these, 1 was withdrawn by the petitioner, 1 was rejected and 2 did not qualify under the Council’s Petition Scheme. She added that 7 new paper petitions had been received, and 8 had completed the process. There was 1 live e-petition on the website relating to amending or abolishing the Bedroom Tax which was due to close at the end of December 2015.


Councillor R Bell commented that there was no response from the service regarding the petition to save the Walls of Barnard Castle on the petitions table and asked if a response could be obtained.


Councillor J Robinson referred to the number of petitions rejected and suggested that the criteria be reviewed to determine if the scheme was user-friendly.



That the information contained in the report be noted.


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