Agenda item

County Durham Partnership Update - Report of Assistant Chief Executive



The Board considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive that provided an update on issues being addressed by the County Durham Partnership (CDP) including key issues from the Board, the five thematic partnerships and all Area Action Partnerships (AAPs). The report also included updates on other key initiatives being carried out in partnership across the County (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Partnerships and Local Councils Officer informed the Board that there was a slight change in the report format having taken on board feedback from members, all Area Action Partnerships now feature more strongly. She highlighted priorities and key areas of focus carried out within the County Partnership in recent months.


The Chairman referred to the Mid Durham AAP and the funding secured from the Big Lottery’s Reaching Communities Fund for the rebuild of Hamsteels Community Centre. He informed members that the project had also received funding through the Capital and Revenue budget and work on the new facility was due to start at the end of November 2015. He commended the work of the Chairman and Clerk of Cornsay Parish Council.


In response to a question from Councillor Wilson regarding the number of asset transfers still waiting to take place, the Principal Partnerships and Local Councils Officer advised that 15 transfers were still outstanding. She added that all outstanding transfers had individual timelines and action plans which would be provided to Councillor Wilson.



That the information contained in the report be noted.


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