Agenda item

DM/15/00373/OUT - Shittlehopeburn Farm, Stanhope

Outline application for up to 32 no. dwellings and public amenity space with access considered (all other matters reserved)


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline application for up to 32 dwellings and public amenity space with access considered, all other matters reserved, at Shittlehopeburn Farm, Stanhope (for copy see file of Minutes).


T Burnham, Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and an indicative plan of the proposed layout.


Mr J Lavender, agent for the applicant addressed the Committee.  In 2012 the applicant had been approached by Partner Construction, who had completed a development of 23 affordable homes, to construct a development of market housing on the remaining land on the development site.  The application was compatible with current planning policies, was sustainable and met the NPPF.  Attention had been given to the landscape setting of the site which had led to the inclusion of a large area of land for public access/amenity purposes.  The applicant would enter into a s106 agreement to ensure that the land would remain accessible to the public in perpetuity and the applicant or successor would carry out full maintenance and management works on the land in perpetuity.


Councillor Richardson informed the Committee that no objections to the application had been received and Moved approval of it.


Councillor Boyes agreed with Councillor Richardson adding that the scheme was compatible with the other development on this site.  Councillor Boyes seconded approval of the application.


Councillor Davidson asked how the land would remain accessible to the public in perpetuity and how maintenance and management works would be carried out in perpetuity.  C Cuskin, Planning and Development Solicitor replied that the s106 obligation would bind the land to secure this.


Upon a vote being taken it was:



That the application be approved subject to the completion of a s106 agreement and the conditions contained within the report.

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