Agenda item

DM/15/00730/FPA - Site of the former St Peter's School, Main Road, Gainford

Part conversion and demolition of existing school to 6 apartments and erection of 10 dwellings and associated infrastructure


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the part conversion and demolition of existing school to 6 apartments and erection of 10 dwellings and associated infrastructure on the site of the former St. Peter’s School, Main Road, Gainford (for copy see file of Minutes).


S Pilkington, Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and an indicative plan of the proposed layout.  The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that one additional letter of objection had been received and this was from the landowner to the rear of the development site who had proposed a more comprehensive development scheme to include his land.


The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that it was proposed to amend a detail of the approved plans at Condition 2 of the planning permission and also to amend Condition 6 of the planning permission to provide an additional car park space for Unit 16.


Councillor Richardson informed the Committee that the application was within his electoral division and the site had been a cause of consternation for a number of years.  Local residents were not pleased with the application as they considered the type of housing proposed was not what the village of Gainford needed.  However this was the application to be considered and, as such, Councillor Richardson supported it.


Councillor Boyes informed the Committee that he was happy to support the application but expressed concern at the response of Northumbrian Water that the sewage treatment works at Gainford were at capacity.  Councillor Boyes asked whether the developer would be required to upgrade the treatment works.  The Senior Planning Officer replied that Northumbrian Water had advised upgrade works would commence if this development came forward.


Councillor Clare informed the Committee he supported approval of the application.  While he was pleased that the original building was to be retained, he agreed with Councillor Richardson that the housing type proposed could be improved.  Councillor Nicholson informed the Committee that the former school building was in need of an upgrade, adding that it had been an eyesore for a number of years.


Moved by Councillor Clare, Seconded by Councillor Nicholson and upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be approved subject to the conditions contained within the report, as amended.

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