Agenda item

DM/15/01714/OUT - Land to the south of Broadway Avenue, Salters Lane, Trimdon Village

Erection of up to 30 dwellings (all matters reserved)


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of up to 30 dwellings, all matters reserved, on land to the south of Broadway Avenue, Salters Lane, Trimdon Village (for copy see file of Minutes).


S Pilkington, Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and an indicative plan of the proposed layout.


The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that this was a resubmission of a previously refused scheme seeking outline planning permission and was supported by a revised Planning Statement, Mitigation and Enhancements Strategy and Viability Assessment to address the previous reasons for refusal.


Councillor Brookes, local Member, addressed the Committee in support of the application, which would provide the opportunity for young people to own a new home in the area.  The applicant had worked with planners to mitigate previous objections and to enhance the proposal.  Trimdon Parish Council was in support of the application which would provide a boost to the local economy and maintain numbers on roll at local schools.  Additionally, the development would bring with it a s106 agreement to secure the provision of three affordable houses and off site sporting and recreation contribution of £1,000 per dwelling and the provision of a landscaping buffer to the south and west of the site.


Mr A Lang, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee.  The Committee report concluded that this revised application was more than acceptable and was recommending that it be approved.  The revised application addressed concerns previously raised.  The Conservation Area was some 150 metres from the site, the public right of way through the site would be re-routed and residents’ concerns regarding amenity had all been addressed.  The development would support local shops and facilities.


A Glenwright, Principal DM Engineer informed the Committee that highways safety at this development was not a concern, with the B1287 past Broadway Avenue having only three recorded accident statistics in the previous 5 years.


Councillor Dixon referred to the s106 contribution of £1,000 per dwelling detailed at paragraph 88 of the report and to the contribution of £20,000 to the Parish Council, detailed at paragraph 77.  The Planning and Development Solicitor advised the Committee that the contribution to the Parish Council was not a material planning consideration, although the Committee could consider the contribution of £1,000 per dwelling.


Councillor Patterson asked why this development was now considered sustainable when it had been refused in 2014 on the grounds of sustainability.  The Senior Planning Officer replied that the development was on the edge of the settlement of Trimdon and consideration of the application was finely balanced, however, the mitigation proposed by the applicant was sufficient to now be able to recommend approval of the application.


Councillor Armstrong informed the Committee she considered this to be a good application which offered three affordable homes and a s106 contribution of £1,000 per dwelling, and  Moved approval of the application.


Councillor Kay, in Seconding approval of the application, informed the Committee that although the sustainability argument had not changed since the application was previously considered, the mitigation put forward by the applicant had now tipped the balance in favour of approval.


Councillor Richardson informed the Committee that the Parish Council and local Member were both in favour of the application and he therefore supported it.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be approved subject to the conditions contained in the report.

Supporting documents: