Agenda item

DM/15/01542/FPA - Plot 10 NETPark, Sedgefield

Construction of new predominantly 2 storey Research Facilities and Laboratory spaces with external car parking and hard and soft landscaping


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the construction of new predominantly 2 storey Research Facilities and Laboratory spaces with external cap parking and hard and soft landscaping at Plot 10 NETPark, Sedgefield (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that an additional condition was proposed to the permission to secure the provision of a covered cycle facility on the site.


Councillor Davidson informed the Committee that while he had some sympathy with the objections from local residents, these were not sufficient to outweigh approval the application, and he Moved approval.


In seconding approval of the application, Councillor Boyes asked what a non-designated heritage asset was.  The Senior Planning Officer replied that it was a historic building of some historic or architectural interest but not sufficient to be listed.


Councillor Nicholson referred to paragraph 111 of the report and asked whether there was a condition to secure Targeted Recruitment and Training measures as had been suggested by the Economic Development (Employability) Team.  The Senior Planning Officer replied that this was covered by Condition 5 of the permission.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be approved subject to the conditions contained in the report and an additional condition to secure the provision of a covered cycle facility and amendment to the approved Plans to reflect the removal of proposed wind turbines from the buildings.

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