Agenda item

County Durham Plan - Update

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development – presented by the Spatial Policy Manager, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chairman introduced the Spatial Planning Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development, Michelle Robinson who was in attendance to give an update as regards the County Durham Plan (CDP) (for copy see file of minutes).


The Spatial Planning Team Leader thanked the Chairman and reminded Members of the brief update provided at the last meeting of the Committee concerning the High Court judgment that had quashed the Inspector’s report on the CDP.

It was noted that at the last meeting, Members had been keen for the CDP to be considered as soon as possible by a new Inspector.  Councillors were reminded that, as part of the agreement with the Department of Local Government (DCLG) and the Court, the CDP had now been withdrawn and would be updated, with the evidence base being refreshed in terms of the most up-to-date information.  The Spatial Planning Team Leader explained that elements of the refresh included: economic, population and household forecasting; housing market assessment; employment land review; strategic housing land availability assessment; sustainable transport strategy for Durham City; Local Plan and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) viability; and retail needs assessment.


Councillors learned that the CDP would be back for consideration by Members in Spring 2016, following another round of public consultation.


The Chairman thanked the Spatial Planning Team Leader and asked Members for their questions.


Councillor J Armstrong asked whether the sustainable transport strategy for Durham City also incorporated rail, as well as road.  The Spatial Planning Team Leader noted the need to ensure that the sustainable transport strategy did not just reference road transport.


Councillor H Nicholson noted the importance of the A19 and A1 corridors and asked as regards their links to trading estates.  The Spatial Planning Team Leader noted that there was a huge portfolio of employment land and that this would be reviewed and the best opportunities for development would be identified.  Councillor N Foster added that there would also be consideration to safeguard potential sites, those that may come together later in time, even beyond the lifetime of the CDP.


Councillor J Clare noted that with the CDP moving forward it would be important to ensure Members of Planning Committees were given information in terms of the weight to be given to the emerging policies within the CDP document.  The Spatial Planning Team Leader noted this was an interim period, however once agreed by Cabinet, colleagues from the Planning Section would be in a position to advise on the weight of policies as the CDP progressed, with the national policies and frameworks in place being the current guide.


Councillor O Temple noted that the previous Inspector’s report had been quashed and asked whether the comments made during the examination, in terms of local communities, would be taken into account in developing the new CDP.  The Spatial Planning Team Leader noted that there would be the refresh of the evidence base, taking into account changes and views, however, there was a need to be able to get the CDP in place as soon as possible.  Councillor N Foster noted there would be a number of consultation events: via the Area Action Partnerships (AAPs); with Local Councillors; sectoral engagement, on issues such as greenbelt; and with non-statutory consultees.




(i)              That the presentation be noted.

(ii)             That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive a further update on the progress of the County Durham Plan at a future meeting.


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