Agenda item

Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2015/16 - Scrutiny of Housing Issues

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Chairman asked the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Stephen Gwillymto give an update as regards the Scrutiny of Housing Issues (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that the report set out the proposed method for Overview and Scrutiny to engage with the new housing provider, the County Durham Housing Group (CDHG) following the Stock Transfer process.  Members were reminded of the previous work undertaken by the Committee in terms of the housing elements that fell within the Altogether Wealthier priority theme and the associated actions, including: Durham County Council’s (DCC) Housing Strategy; Housing Solutions, including homelessness and Durham Key Options (DKO); affordable housing; housing regeneration, including renewal schemes; private sector housing, including empty homes, private landlord accreditation and selective licensing; the annual performance monitoring of Durham City Homes, Dale and Valley Homes and East Durham Homes; and the Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT) process that established the new CDHG.


Members were reminded of the housing functions within the remit of the Portfolio Holder for Assets, Strategic Housing and Rural Issues, Councillor E Tomlinson, areas that the Committee would consider.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer informed Members that the new CDHG had taken on a series of key duties, obligations and responsibilities, however, there were 19 Service Level Agreements (SLAs) through which the Council would support the CDHG.  It was explained that the CDHG would be developing a new series of Performance Indicators (PIs) and that Overview and Scrutiny would have a role in the monitoring of performance, with the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee inviting the CDHG to report on progress made in terms of the delivery of the obligations and responsibilities in the Transfer Agreement at its meeting to be held in June 2016.


Members were referred to the arrangements for dealing with day-to-day queries, and the processes in place with the CDHG in dealing with Members’ concerns and complaints, and it was highlighted that the Providers’ engagement/complaints process would be used rather than Overview and Scrutiny. 


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer concluded by reiterating that housing related issues would remain within the Committee’s work programme and included: homelessness; DCC Market Housing Scheme; DCC Housing Strategy; and post-transfer monitoring of the Stock Transfer Agreement with CDHG.


The Chairman thanked the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer and asked Members for their questions.


Councillor E Adam noted his support for the report and asked whether there would be a single, standardised process in terms of making representations to housing organisations on behalf of residents.



The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that each provider would have their own systems in place, adding the Council has representatives on several of the Registered Social Landlord (RSL) Boards as well as the Boards of the constituent CDHG providers, with those Members providing a conduit should there be a problem in terms of progressing an issue.  The Housing Solutions Manager, Lynn Hall noted that as there was not a standard process in terms of complaints across all providers it would be key that the processes that were in place were understood and for this information to be made available for Members.  The Housing Solutions Manager explained that the Head of Economic Development and Housing, Sarah Robson was Chairman of the County Durham Economic Partnership’s (CDEP) Housing Forum and there were sub-groups of the Forum that could look at issues of engaging with Members and complaints accordingly.


Councillor O Temple noted he felt a little out of touch in terms of some of the relationships with the new housing group, and also of the relationship between all providers and the DKO scheme.  Councillor J Armstrong added he felt it may be timely to look again at DKO particularly the DKO’s process and that this be included within the Committee’s work programme.


Members discussed the merits of being able to have some influence in terms of issues, rather than just simply via the formal complaint routes open to residents.  Officers noted that while it may be possible in terms of those Boards that had Member representation, some organisations did not have such representation.  The Housing Solutions Manager added that she could be contacted to try and help in instances where an issue was not be being progressed by an organisation.




(i)    That the presentation be noted.

(ii)   That an update in relation to Durham Key Options be provided at a future meeting of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


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