The Council considered a report from the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and report of the Independent Remuneration Panel which provided the outcomes of a review by the Independent Remuneration Panel which took place between June to September 2010 and looked at allowances for cabinet support members, planning and licensing members, mileage allowances and basic allowances (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services informed the Council that the Independent Remuneration Panel would be meeting again to consider allowances from 2011 and the work would be carried out in advance of the financial year concerned in future years.
Councillor Henig, reiterated the personal view he expressed in 2009 that the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel would be better determined at national level and it was incorrect for a Council to vote on its own allowances scheme.
Moved by Councillor Henig, Seconded by Councillor Napier and
That the Council accept the recommendations provided by the Independent Remuneration Panel and make no change to current Member allowances, no allowances for Cabinet support members and that the level of allowances allocated for regulatory committee’s remain unchanged.
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