Agenda item

Climate Change Strategy and Delivery Plan Update


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development which provided members with an update on the County Durham Climate Change Strategy and Delivery Plan (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


M Bosanquet, Climate Change Team Leader and S Beresford, Senior Sustainability and Climate Change Officer were in attendance to present the report.


S Beresford advised Members that the climate change strategy and delivery plan were submitted and approved by Cabinet on the 15 July 2015.


2012 was the most up to date data that showed that County Durham emitted 2,951 tonnes of CO2, this was an increase from 2011 but it was a colder winter in 2012. The Council were on track for the 2020 target.


The information provided for the total renewable energy capacity in County Durham also included planned installations.


Energy from Solar PV had doubled from 12MWe in 2012 to 23MWe in September 2015. This would slow down due to legislative changes. Members were advised that since the report had been written government had changed the legislation to remove the tax relief for investors in community energy schemes.


M Bosanquet advised Members that they were hosting a community energy event for earth hour in March which would be held at Coxhoe Leisure Centre which was an impressive building in terms of energy. The event would be looking at what managers of buildings could do to reduce their energy bills.


She referred to the European bids for funding that had recently been submitted for work on public buildings and in communities which were discussed at the last meeting and advised Members that they would find out next month if they had moved to the next stage.


She referred to the Solar Farm at Tanfield which would have produced £1m to £2m for the Council but due to the change in the Feed in Tariff for solar panels had meant that the land would now be leased to allow a third party to develop the site. The Councils data centre would still be able to use the power from the development.


Members were advised of a new partnership project entitled ‘Activating Community Engagement’, which was being developed by Northern Powergrid with Weardale AAP. The project was set up to tackle peak hours of electricity which was from 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm and was an alternative to upgrading the grid. The project would ask people to use less energy at peak times by giving a reward. Participants would be given a smart plug which would switch off certain appliances during peak times and participants would be given points which would be given to a community group of your choice as well as a £500 prize for the community group with the most points. The pilot would be running in Weardale area which began on 1 November 2015 and they were currently looking for participants to join. The Chairman was provided with a leaflet in relation to the scheme and a future report would be submitted to the Committee in due course.


Councillor May referred to tumble dryers and how he was advised that if you used a longer programme it would use less energy. If this was true could an article be placed in the councils magazine to advise residents of this. Officers responded that it would depend on the model so it would be difficult to put this message in an article.


Councillor Milburn referred to the Comeleon House project at Tanfield and indicated that she was concerned that at the end of the lease the land would need to be reinstated and asked if this could be included in the lease. Officers responded that solar panels were still efficient after 20 years but they would look into incorporating the reinstatement of land into the lease.


Councillor E Bell referred to the brochure for the Activating Community Engagement and sought clarification if these had been distributed to the community. Officers responded that the leaflets were produced by the Northern Powergrid and they managed to obtain a copy at a meeting on Friday.


Councillor Holland referred to the targets for 2020 which were too low and now the government were scrapping schemes and that planning guidance should state that all new buildings should be energy neutral.


The Chairman enquired about the progress of the European Structural and Investment Fund bids. The Officer advised that the bids were currently in the first stage and not expected to hear if they had been successful until the end of November 2015. If successful at this stage further documentation would be completed and sent by early 2016; and a final decision would be taken March 2016. The Officer advised that the Committee would be kept updated.


Resolved: That the contents of the report be noted.

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