Agenda item

DM/15/02372/OUT - Land to the south east of High Grange, Crook

Outline application for up to 15 “executive dwellings” with all matters reserved


Consideration was given to the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline application for up to “15 executive dwellings” with all matters reserved (for copy see file of Minutes).


T Burnham, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.


Mr S Murphy, a resident of High Grange addressed the Committee against the application.  His main representation was that development on this site had been recommended for refusal on three previous occasions and this was the fourth application in eight years, with the last one being within a year of the current proposals. He lived in the terraced houses adjacent to the site. The main road was unsafe and accidents were common. The development would be out of keeping in what was a lovely unspoilt village built in the 1800s. Should this application be also refused he asked if the Council could prevent any further applications coming forward within the next 10 years to save residents from having to repeatedly submit objections to schemes. Mr Murphy was advised by the Solicitor – Planning and Development that this was not possible.


Councillor Richardson, although he did not support the application, made the point that High Grange was not in an isolated rural location and was surrounded by other single properties and allotments.


Councillor Davidson moved and Councillor Clare seconded that the application be refused.


Upon a vote being taken it was Resolved:


That the application be refused for the reasons set out in the report.

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