Agenda item

Langley Park - Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order 2015 - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development regarding changes to a proposed traffic regulation order in Langley Park (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee were provided with a presentation detailing:

·         a location and consultation plan of Church Street (side) and

·         photos of parked vehicles


(for presentation see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that vehicles in the location had been observed parking on and around the junction and parking halfway on footways. A number of public meetings were held in the community building and the Area Action Partnership Coordinator had advised the Council that large vehicles were parking on the junction to load and unload, blocking visibility and accessibility.  The introduction of no waiting/no loading at any time and yellow lines around the junction would hopefully alleviate the problems being experienced.  A loading facility on the opposite side of Front Street would be introduced where there were unrestricted purpose lay-bys.


The local members for the area could not be present at the meeting but had reiterated their support for the scheme.


One person had objected to the proposals. In their representations they felt that there was no problem with junction parking on the side of Church Street. Their view was that the situation would be better addressed with ‘keep clear’ markings.  The objector also viewed that parking occurring on Low Moor Road helped reduce the speed of vehicles in the area and that the Council should have consulted with residents in the wider area.


Councillor J Turnbull commented that he was a regular visitor to the community building and the junction highlighted in the report was extremely dangerous. Councillor Turnbull felt that the County Council owed a duty of care to staff working in the building, to those who used the community facility and fully supported the proposals which would make the area much safer.



That the recommendations contained in the report be agreed.

Supporting documents: