Agenda item

Quarter 2, 2015/16 Performance Management Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chairman thanked the Performance and Planning Manager, Regeneration and

Economic Development, Graham Tebbutt who was in attendance to speak to Members in

relation to the Quarter 2, 2015/16 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of



The Performance and Planning Manager reminded Members of the different types of indicators reported, Tracker indicators and Target indicators.


Councillors noted that some of the key achievements in Quarter 2 included several linked to housing: the number of affordable homes delivered being significantly above target and the number of empty properties being brought back into use exceeding target.  Members learned that the number of private sector properties improved through Local Authority intervention had increased, since the last quarter, though was behind target, however the figure was higher than the period last year.  It was added that the success rate for adult skills funded provision had improved from the previous academic year and was higher than the national average.


Members noted information relating to Tracker Indicators including: an increase in comparison to the figures from last year in terms of net homes completed; a increase in the number of homelessness preventions and a decrease in the acceptance of a statutory homelessness duty; and a general improvement in tourism indicators, including an increased number of visitors and an increased visitor spend, albeit with a slight decrease in the number of jobs supported by the tourism industry.


Members noted progress with Council Plan actions, such as: the CDP being withdrawn to allow for a refresh and resubmission for public examination in early 2016; Phase 1 improvements to Consett town centre having been completed ahead of schedule and Phase 2 works to commence; and the further progress in terms of the Digital Durham Programme.


It was added that the key performance issue for the theme were: the proportions of major and overall planning applications being determined within deadline, in the context of the number major and overall planning applications having increased this quarter; the number of potential jobs secured or created as a result of Business Durham activity improved, though just below target; and a reduction in the number of apprenticeship starts funder through the Council in comparison to last year, noting that a bid for European Funding in this respect was ongoing and if successful could see a programme of apprenticeship starts begin in February 2016.


Members noted the Tracker Indicators set out within the report including: a slight increase in the employment rate, a decrease in the number of Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants aged 18-24 in comparison to last year; and a slight decrease in those accessing JSA for one year or more.  It was added that the proportion of people out of work who wanted a job had improved since the last quarter, however still remained worse than the England, regional and nearest statistical neighbour averages.  The Committee noted that there had been a reduction in the number of applications registered on DKO leading to a successful re-housing.


Councillors noted several key Council Plan actions that had not achieved target included: a delay in establishing planning consent for Aykley Heads from May 2016 to June 2016; a revised timescale for the construction of the railway station at Horden, from August 2017 to November 2017; a delay in the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) application for the historic quay at Seaham from October 2015 to January 2016; a delay on the delivery plan for Seaham with the Homes and Communities Agency, planning permission expected in July 2016 for works on site in January 2017; and a delay in respect of a programme of works being agreed for Festival Walk at Spennymoor, negotiations still ongoing.  Members noted an action that had been deleted was the restoration of the former boy’s grammar school at Bishop Auckland as a HLF application had been declined, noting a meeting with HLF as regards further options will be held.  


The Performance and Planning Manager concluded by reminding Members of the agreement signed in October 2015 as regards the devolution of powers to the North East Combined Authority (NECA) and the next steps in terms of governance arrangements, including a poll of residents’ views, with letters to go out 11 January 2016.


The Chairman thanked the Performance and Planning Manager and asked Members for their questions on the report.


Councillor M Davinson referred to page 36 noting that a 2.1% improvement to the employment rate of 66.7% would be 68.8%, not 68.1% as stated.  Councillor M Davinson asked for clarification as regards the number of affordable homes and net homes completed.  The Performance and Planning Manager noted that the affordable homes brought forward could include existing properties that were made affordable, net new home were new properties where some may be affordable.  Councillor M Davinson requested definitions for affordable homes and net homes completed.


Councillor J Clare noted the balance required when looking at tourism and mineral extraction, noting opencast developments and the tension faced by Members at Planning Committee.  Councillor H Nicholson noted that an opencast site at Shildon that had completed and been restored to a high standard, having been of benefit to the local community, however, each application would need to be judged on its own merits.


Councillor E Adam noted that the figures in connection with tourism were positive, justifying the investment DCC had made in Visit County Durham (VCD), and asked as regards the figure on page 47, decreasing visitor numbers.  The Performance and Planning Manager noted that the figure on page 33 was the statistical calculation that all Local Authorities used, with the figures on page 47 being directly from source.  It was added that a number of visitors stay with family and friends and that the figure on page 47 represented core, paid attractions, though noted this was an issue for the service to look at.


Councillor J Armstrong noted that he believe the letters as regards a poll on the future arrangements for the NECA were to go out 14 January 2016, not 11 January 2016 as stated by the Officer.  The Performance and Planning Manager noted he would check as regards the date and Members would be contacted as regards the correct date.




That the report be noted.


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