Agenda item

Quarterly Performance and Operational Report

Report of the Bereavement Services Manager.


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager which provided an update relating to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).


It was reported that there were 257 cremations undertaken during the period 1 April 2016 to 31 May 2016, compared to 198 in the comparable period last year, an increase of 59 year on year. With regard to the sale of memorial plaques it was reported that during the period 2 plaques had been sold (£652), compared to 3 (£1,215) in the same period last year.


As previously reported an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) had been purchased. All staff had now been trained and the defibrillator was now in place.


Moving on, it was reported that a Business Administration Apprentice was employed in 2014 on a 2 year temporary contract, which was due to come to an end on 14 July 2016. It was noted that the contract would not be extended and the position be frozen. Members agreed that the position be frozen until a suitable replacement could be appointed.


Details were then reported in respect of the 50th Year Anniversary Celebration which was to be held on 23 July 2016. Members were reminded to let the Bereavement Services Manager know if they were able / unable to attend. It was further reported that an open event would be held following the service and it had been agreed by the Communications team that this could now be opened up to the public.


The Bereavement Services Manager then went on to report that the recycling of metals scheme had generated £4,444 and a cheque for this value had been presented to Derwentside Hospice Care Foundation.


Further details were reported with regard to the ICCM Learning Convention and Exhibition 2016 and it was proposed that the Bereavement Services Manager and the Chair attend the conference as representatives of the Joint Committee.


Moving on to the issue of car parking the Bereavement Services Manager advised that as previously reported the car park had been extended to 88 spaces although on some occasions the capacity was still inadequate. He therefore presented 3 options for the Joint Committee’s consideration. Details of each were included within the report and members’ views were sought.


In conclusion details were reported with regard to the replacement of cremators and installation of mercury abatement plant. It was reported that ATI were the successful company during the very thorough and competitive tender process. Durham County Council’s Design Team were currently working alongside the cremator manufacturer in order to design the equipment to fit in with the propose extension. Work was progressing well and it was anticipated that construction works would commence January 2017.


Councillor Temple added that he felt fortunate to be involved in the procurement process and had found the process extremely interesting. He further added that he was extremely impressed with the quality and price offered by the supplier and was hopeful of a good result for the Crematorium.


Councillor Batey in referencing the apprentice’s position and the work of the Economy & Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny’s work, added that she would like to see the position re-advertised. Councillor Jewell further commented that extra care should be taken with the selection of the next apprentice.


Moving on to discuss the issues surrounding car parking, Members agreed that Option C, to continue to monitor the situation be agreed. Councillor Batey added that she wanted to pass on her congratulations to the team on the car park improvement works and new spaces created adding that she had noted that this had alleviated car parking problems during well attended funerals.




i)             That the current performance be noted.

ii)            That the completion of the defibrillator staff training be noted.

iii)          That the situation with regards to the Business Administration Apprentice post be noted and that the position be re-advertised at the end of the 2 year contract period.

iv)          That the 50th anniversary celebrations be noted.

v)            That the distribution of recycling income received to the respective charity be noted.

vi)          That the Bereavement Services Manager and Chair of the Joint Committee attend the next ICCM Learning Convention and Exhibition.

vii)         That Option C, in respect of car parking be agreed and the situation continue to be monitored.

viii)        That progress with regards to the cremator replacement project be noted.






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