Agenda item

Consultation on Council Tax Police Precept 2016/17 - Report of the Police and Crime Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) which provided information about his proposals to consult on an increase in the policing element of the Council Tax precept for 2016-17 (for copy see file of Minutes).


Mr Dodwell referred to the proposed precept increase of 1.98% and asked why this was the maximum increase, when Darlington Borough Council was proposing an increase of 3.99%.  The Assistant Chief Executive, Durham County Council replied that changes to local government finance for this year gave councils the opportunity to raise an extra 2% precept to support adult social care.


Councillor Harker informed the Panel that there was an expectation from government that PCCs would raise their precept by 2% and this should be stressed during consultation on the precept.  The Assistant Chief Officer confirmed that this expectation had been mentioned in the Comprehensive Pending Review announcement.


In reply to a request form Councillor Armstrong, the PCC agreed to provide Members with details of the ‘Community Days’ he would be undertaking during his consultation.


Councillor Brookes informed the Panel that he was supportive of the proposed increase, adding that it was unfortunate the increase could not be larger without the need for a referendum.  He understood that the PCC needed to operate within Government rules and also understood the risks associated with a referendum.


The PCC informed the Panel that he had sent a letter to the Home Office highlighting that the yield from the precept in County Durham and Darlington was one of the worst in the Country.  The Assistant Chief Officer informed the Panel that the 10 lowest precepting PCCs could increase their precept by £5, but Durham was the 15th lowest.  However, some of the lowest precepting PCCs were in areas of high property values, and therefore had disproportionately high yields.  The PCC’s letter to the Home Office was to highlight this anomaly and to take into account the low Council Tax base.  The PCC agreed to circulate a copy of his letter to the Home Office to Panel Members.


Councillor Armstrong informed the PCC that he was pleased that the proposed precept increase was being taken to AAPs and added that he would be recommending the 1.98% to his AAP.  He referred to paragraph 7 of the report which stated that each additional increase of 1% raised approximately £260,000, yet in paragraph 2.4 of the consultation document this figure was £250,000 and stressed the importance of consistency in the presentation of data.



(i)              That the intention to consult be noted;

(ii)             That a full report on the outcome of the consultation would be presented to the next Panel meeting on 1 February 2016 be noted.

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