Agenda item

Q2 Performance Report 2015-16 - Report of Chief of Staff


The Panel considered a report of the Chief of Staff which provided the Quarter 2 Public Performance Report (for copy see file of Minutes).


The PCC presented the performance figures to the Panel.  Referring particularly to speeding, the PCC informed the Panel that he had previously opposed fixed speed cameras.  However, at a recent Association of PCCs meeting a presentation had been made regarding technology which provided the ability to measure the average speed of vehicles through communities, with an ANPR ability.  Any development around this would be brought back to the Panel.


Councillor Hopgood referred to the police taking action when anti-social behaviour was reported by communities, however, when residents reported issues of speeding vehicles the police seemed to be unable to take such action because they had not witnessed the speeding.  The PCC replied that where community groups felt that action was not being taken on reports made then this should be fed back to him and he would raise the matter with the police.


Councillor Allen informed the Panel that, over all, this was a pleasing report which highlighted positive achievements.  She referred to Councillor Forster requesting that copies of the performance figures be placed in libraries for those who did not use computers and the PCC responded that this had been actioned.


Councillor Allen referred to the third bullet point on page 37 of the papers and suggested it might be useful to have a direct link to the Value for Money section in the report.


Councillor Hopgood, referring to anti-social behaviour, highlighted that the only increase was in Darlington and asked whether there was any specific reason for this.  The PCC replied that if anti-social behaviour was reported, it must be recorded, but sometimes this was just a lack of tolerance rather than anti-social behaviour.  However, he had discussed this matter with the Chief Inspector at Darlington.


Councillor Brookes referred to the role being undertaken by Dr Joe Sullivan around Child Sexual Abuse mentioned on page 41 of the papers and asked, as Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel, what was being done to protect children.  The PCC replied that Dr Sullivan was providing training sessions to police officers and staff to raise awareness of abuse and to identify warning signs and respond appropriately.  Details of this work would be provided to Panel members.



That the report be noted.

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