Agenda item

Spending Review outcome and update - verbal update


The PCC provided the Panel with an update on the Spending Review outcome.


The PCC informed the Panel that Durham had been faced with a potential funding loss of £7m due to the government using incorrect data when using a new funding formula make grant allocations.  He had immediately briefed local MP’s and the matter was raised in the House of Commons where the Home Office admitted its mistake and had shelved the proposed new funding formula.  The PCC informed the Panel that he had written to the Home Office suggesting that any review of the police funding formula be carried out by an independent body.


Councillor Allen informed the Panel that a lot of work had been done by the PCC, MPs and officers when the error came to light and that it could have been a different scenario for Durham had this not been picked up.  Mr Dodwell added that it was important the work which had been undertaken on this was well recorded.



That the update be noted.