Agenda item

Proposal for the Re-Designation of Framwellgate and Elvet Bridges for Street Trading; Post Consultation Report


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding a proposal for the re-designation of Framwellgate and Elvet Bridges for street trading (for copy see file of Minutes).


C Rudman, Licensing Manager provided background to the proposal by BID to change the designation of Framwellgate and Elvet Bridges in Durham City from ‘prohibited’ to ‘consent’ streets. Pre-Consultation had been carried out on the proposal and copies of the responses from consultees were attached to the report. No objections had been received although the Police and Fire Service had commented on potential safety aspects which were outlined in the report, and the Highways Authority considered that set up and trading should only be granted between the hours of 10am and 6pm. No objections were received from members of the public following a notice placed in the local press.


In determining the proposal Members were asked to give consideration to the comments submitted by the consultees. If Members were minded to support the proposed re-designation formal consultation would commence on the publication of a second notice in the local press.


Councillor Glass stated that he was minded to support the proposal, subject to the conditions specified by the Police in their response, particularly with regard to proposed measures for structures left on the bridge overnight.


This view was shared by Councillor Hopgood who also asked if the Safety Advisory Group should be consulted on each application.


Councillor Stoker made the comment that some cafes and restaurants put tables and chairs outside their premises in the location of the bridges and asked if the areas that would be designated could be clearly defined by way of a map. He also expressed concern about the potential obstruction caused by structures on the bridges for the partially sighted and asked if consideration had been given to this.


The Licensing Manager responded that a map could be produced for each bridge to show where trading was allowed. Applications had to be accompanied by a plan showing where trading would occur, and although the nature of the trading on the bridges was not clear at present, a risk assessment would be carried out for every event that took place to ensure that the bridges could be safely crossed during trading events.


With regard to access by emergency vehicles Councillor Glass asked Officers to liaise with the Fire Service to ensure that the bridges remained accessible to their larger equipment during events.


Members discussed the proposed hours for trading and the comments of the Highways Officer in relation to this. Councillor May felt that 6pm may be too early at certain times of the year such as Christmas and Lumiere when shops opened later.


Members were informed that consideration would be given to applications to trade later but any permission would be in consultation with emergency services. Councillor Glass commented that a common sense approach would be advisable as delivery vehicles and refuse collection vehicles operated in the City after 6pm.


Following a question from Councillor Batey, Mr Deathe of Durham BID explained that the purpose of the proposal was to open up areas of the City that had experienced decline in recent years, and a number of traders in the localities had advised that they would welcome trading activity on the bridges. The aim was to compliment rather than compete with existing traders, bringing more people into the City, and boosting the local economy.


Following discussion it was Resolved:




a)    the proposal made by BID for the re-designation of Framwellgate and Elvet Bridges be supported, subject to the comments of consultees and Members being taken on board;


b)    a second notice be published stating the intention to alter the present designation;


c)    a further report be considered by the Committee following the conclusion of the consultation period.













Supporting documents: