Agenda item

Update on the Handling of Current Complaints


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services which provided an update in respect of complaints of alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct (for copy see file of Minutes).


An additional update on complaints received or completed since the report had been circulated was provided to Members. As agreed at the last meeting a sample of complaints files were available for Members to review.


Members expressed concern about the current volume and nature of complaints that were being submitted, and again referred to the value of training for Members.


Following discussion the Chairman of the Committee suggested that training be offered to Members who also chaired meetings. David Taylor advised that Durham County Council had in the past provided training for its own Chairs, and suggested that potential training for Chairs of Parish and Town Councils be raised with CDALC.




That the information given be noted and Councillor Harrison liaise with CDALC on potential training for Chairs of Parish and Town Councils.