Agenda item



The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2015 were agreed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.


Matters Arising from the Minutes


Q1 2015/16 Customer Feedback: Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions (including LGO reporting) - minute numbered 7 refers


The Head of Planning and Performance referred to comments made by Councillor Wilkes regarding the publication of Local Government Ombudsman decisions and financial settlements. Members were informed that the format of the report had been amended to include additional details in respect of LGO complaints and decisions.


Comments had been made by Councillor Martin on page 5 of the minutes regarding the way in which information was shared on the Council’s website, in relation to contaminated waste and recyclable materials. Feedback had been received from the Service that images and words were more user-friendly than presenting the information in numbers. Information leaflets were produced for residents which could be shared with the Committee.  

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