Agenda item

Customer Feedback : Complaints Compliments and Suggestions 2015/16 - Quarter 2

Report of the Corporate Director Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which presented performance and learning outcomes in relation to Customer Feedback: Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions report for Quarter 2 2015/2016 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Customer Relations, Policy and Performance Manager informed Members that the report was now presented in a new format which provided a stronger focus on high level strategic messages and learning outcomes.


With regard to complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) Councillor Wilkes referred to paragraph 44 in the report and the complaint in respect of the Planning Service about how the Council dealt with a planning application for the construction of a new school. He asked if the action taken following the decision of maladministration was the response of the Ombudsman or the Council’s interpretation of the decision. He was familiar with the complaint and considered that injustice had been caused.


The Manager confirmed that the information in the report reflected the decision of the Ombudsman. The LGO strictly applied its own definition of injustice to every case it considered. In this case the LGO identified some fault but had determined that injustice had not been caused.


Members suggested that in future reports should specify that the action to be taken following an Ombudsman decision was the formal response of the LGO. 




That the content of the report be noted.

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