Agenda item

Contaminated Land and Inspection Strategy - Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which provided members with an update on Durham County Council’s Contaminated Land and Inspection Strategy (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Senior Contaminated Land Officer was in attendance to present the report.


Councillor E Bell sought clarification if the strategy included beaches which included the Durham Heritage Coast. The Officer responded that they looked at pathways that contaminated the beach but beaches were not part of the strategy.


Councillor E Bell then sought clarification if any works were being undertaken on water at the coast at Seaham as there was a risk from sewerage outflows further up the coast at Hendon. The Officer confirmed that there was no work planned.


Councillor Armstrong asked for a written answer as to what areas the Council were looking at in terms of contaminated land.


Councillor May asked if the Council held a list of land that might be contaminated. The Officer responded that they had a working list but it does change, the list contained a lot of sites for future development.


Mr T Bolton asked if it was a list or register. The Officer responded that it was a list and was not available to the public and contained approximately 7,000 sites.


Councillor Clark referred to the Environment Protection Act 1990 that states “significant pollution of controlled waters is being caused, or there is significant possibility of such pollution being caused”, and asked if this could be interpreted to beaches. The Officer responded that they needed to prioritise and nothing was coming up in the next two years but if anything was a priority and they needed to look at sooner, if Members could advise the team, they would welcome the information.


Councillor Morrison sought clarification if it excluded other forms for example the Japanese Knotweed. The Officer responded that the Ecology Team kept a record of the location of Japanese Knotweed on council land and tries to treat it. If any Member was aware of Japanese Knotweed, if they could provide the information to the Ecology Team, so that it could be followed up.


Resolved: That the report be noted.

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