Agenda item

Consultation on Council Tax Police Precept 2016-17 - Report of the Police and Crime Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) which provided an update in relation to consultation on his proposed precept for 2016-17, presented a summary of responses received and the expected outcome based on the responses received.  A supplemental report was circulated which provided the final results of the Precept Consultation (for copy of report and supplemental report see file of Minutes).


Councillor Brookes informed the Panel that the responses to the consultation provided a clear endorsement of the proposed precept and asked whether it would be possible to quantify the impact of the proposed rise so that the difference the money raised could be advertised.


The PCC replied that the force would lose nearly £460,000 under the Comprehensive Spending Review and along with other budgetary pressures from pay awards, National Insurance contributions and IT requirements, would need to make savings in the order of £3m.  Although the proposed precept would mitigate these cuts, the force would still need to reduce officer numbers in the region of 50 police officers and 40 civilian staff.  PCSO levels had reduced from 170 to 155 but it was hoped that 15 PCSOs could be recruited to return this number to 170, to retain public visibility.


Mr Dodwell asked whether any reply had been received to the letter the PCC had sent to the Home Office referred to at the last Panel meeting.  The PCC replied that while no reply had been received, he had raised the issue of the low yield any precept raised in County Durham and Darlington generated due to 55% of properties being in Council Tax Band A and hoped that this would be considered in any new funding formula.  Work was ongoing around a new funding formula and, as Durham had been ranked as the most efficient and effective force in the Country, the PCC had offered input into any work regarding the new funding formula.



That the report be approved.

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