Agenda item

Skills Development Scrutiny Review - Update

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Chairman asked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer to give an update as regards the ongoing Skills Development Scrutiny Review (for copy see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that there had been 3 meetings of the Working Group to date, with information having been received in terms of: the current approach to skills development nationally, regionally and locally; key strategies and policies; funding structures, in light of the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR); employment trends, performance data; the role of the Council in terms of both Regeneration and Economic Development and Children and Adults Services; the work of the AAPs; partnership arrangements at local, regional and national levels; and examples of various initiatives and projects, with input from 3 local Colleges at the last meeting.


Members noted that emerging issues included: the importance of quality information, advice and guidance (IAG) being provided for young people; the value of being able to offer work experience and the current offer within County Durham; the engagement with the business community in County Durham; how to engage with Universities to help retain graduates within the County; how employers were made aware of the apprenticeship support offered by the Council; a need to maximise the opportunities available via the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) DurhamWorks programme and monitor performance; and to continue the dialogue between CAS and the AAPs in relation to successful AAP schemes which could be included in initiatives funded by YEI.  It was noted that future meetings of the Working Group would look at skills support provided by the County Durham Economic Partnership (CDEP) and activities undertaken by private companies and that in addition, visits would be arranged to see skills training at colleges and specialist providers.


The Chairman thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer and asked Members for their questions.


Councillor J Armstrong asked whether there was a list of training providers in terms of YEI and their targets, in order to be able to judge value for money.  Councillor M Davinson added there needed to be evidence linking the training to a need for such skills.  It was confirmed that the Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning, Linda Bailey would be attending the meeting of the review group on 23 March and would be providing Members with further information on YEI, including the information requested by Members today.




That the report be noted.


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