Agenda item

Proposed installation of 2no bus shelters on Spa Road, Gainford - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development regarding a proposal to erect two bus shelters on Spa Road, Gainford (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee were informed that the request for bus shelters in the area had arisen from residents of Gainford, to Gainford Parish Council.  Two main bus services utilised the bus stops at the proposed locations and the scheme would be fully funded by Gainford Parish Council. Ownership and future maintenance of the bus shelters would be the responsibility of the County Council, as per their maintenance programme.


The Committee were informed that two objections had been received regarding concerns that the shelters would cause unsightly obstructions, increase anti-social behaviour and that the design and materials of the shelters would not fit in with the disposition of the village, given that it was a conservation area.


In response to these objections, the Committee were informed that the fully glazed design of the shelters allowed them to blend into the surrounding environment, that similar shelters were used in other conservation areas around the County, and, that a seat would not be provided for in the shelters, to deter congregation of youths and anti-social behaviour.


In response to concerns by the Committee regarding the lack of a seat in the proposed shelters, the Highways Officer explained that it was a case of striking a fine balance. On one hand, a seat would undoubtedly be beneficial for the elderly and infirm, however, on the other hand, it could attract and encourage youths to congregate in the area, hence the reason to omit one in the shelter design.


Councillor Robinson queried why Gainford Parish Council would not be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the shelters. The Committee were informed that the County Council could ask the Parish Council to maintain the shelters, however, the County Council wished to maintain the same standard as similar shelters across the County.


Councillor Milburn queried the design of the proposed shelter and queried why there were no ‘ends’ to the shelter, which offered little to no protection from the elements.  The Committee were informed that the Council needed to maintain a 1.8 metre wide footway, hence the design. It was accepted that a bus shelter without ends did offer very little protection.



That the Committee, having considered the objections, recommend to the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development that the proposal be agreed, with the final decision being made in accordance with the Council’s scheme of delegation.

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