Agenda item

DM/15/03945/FPA - 67 Front Street, Pity Me, Durham, DH1 5DE

Proposed residential development of 6 No. linked dwelling houses.


The Senior Planning Officer, Chris Baxter gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, copies of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The application was for proposed residential development of 6 No. linked dwelling houses and was recommended for approval subject to conditions.


The Committee noted that there had been no objections from the internal and statutory consultees; however, the Parish Council had requested that the application be determined at Committee as they had concerns in respect of over-development, lack of parking and no bin storage.


The Senior Planning Officer noted that a previous application for this site had been refused; however, this application had a redesigned layout incorporating a communal area allowing access to the rear of each property.  The Senior Planning Officer concluded by noting that Officers from the Highways Section were satisfied that there was sufficient parking and had raised no issues.


The Chairman noted there were no registered Speakers, however, asked if the Local Member who was in attendance, Councillor A Hopgood wished to speak prior to questions and comments from the Committee Members.


Councillor A Hopgood thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to speak in relation to this application noting she represented her fellow Divisional Members, Councillors M Simmons and M Wilkes as well as the Parish Council in this regard.  Councillor A Hopgood noted that there had been a lot of work in order to get the application to this stage and referred to the positive inclusion at Paragraph 50 of the removal of permitted development rights in terms of extension and the issue of HMOs being addressed by restriction of use to Class C3.


Councillor A Hopgood noted however that there was concern in terms of the road on to the site and that while this would be satisfactory once completed, there were issues in terms of practicality and safety during construction, if the area used as a turning circle by vehicles was blocked off this would mean vehicles would need to reverse on to the main road.  Councillor A Hopgood noted therefore a condition in order to ensure the area used as a turning circle would not be blocked during construction would help mitigate this potentially dangerous situation.  Councillor A Hopgood added that it was felt that it would be beneficial to have some assurance in writing that the trees, which were in a healthy condition at this time, would not be negatively affected by the development and be retained as part of this development.


The Chairman asked if the Senior Planning Officer could respond to the comments and questions from the Local Member.


The Senior Planning Officer noted that the Tree Officer had cited no concerns in terms of this application and that TPOs were in place.


The Principal Engineer, Highways - Development Management, A Glenwright noted that the developer would not be able to block off the public highway and if the developer were to submit an application to Neighbourhood Services for a Temporary Road Closure then this would only be looked at favourably should issues of health and safety and freedom of movement of nearby residents had been addressed satisfactorily.  It was reiterated that the developer would need to have the proper paperwork in place prior to any temporary closure.  Councillor A Hopgood explained that the concern in terms of blocking the area used as a turning circle as there did not appear to be any other location for the storage of materials at the site, especially given the tiered nature of the rear gardens, adding could materials not be brought in as required.  The Principal Engineer, Highway Development Management noted that it may be advantageous in this case to have a Construction Management Plan in order to address these concerns.  Councillor M Davinson asked whether such a plan could also include times at which construction was permitted to take place.  The Senior Planning Officer noted that, should Members wish a condition in terms of a Construction Management Plan could be added, similar to that set out in the application considered earlier by the Committee, and include times when works would be permitted.


Councillor M Davinson noted that a condition for construction hours would reduce impact on neighbouring properties.


Councillor B Moir moved that the application be approved subject to additional conditions in terms of a Construction Management Plan and construction hours; he was seconded by Councillor J Clark.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions detailed in the

Officer’s report to the Committee and two additional conditions:


No development shall take place until a construction management plan, which identifies delivery operations, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The construction of the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to accord with policy T1 of the City of Durham Local Plan.


No development works (including demolition) shall be undertaken outside the hours of 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am and 1pm on a Saturday with no works to take place on a Sunday or Bank Holiday.


Reason: In the interests of residential amenity having regards to policy H13 of the City of Durham Local Plan.


Supporting documents: