Agenda item

Implications for Durham County Council of the Government's Policy Programme - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Board considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive that provided an update on the implications of the Government’s policy programme, major policy developments and announcements and provided an analysis of the implications for the Council and County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Corporate Public Relations and Policy Manager highlighted the most significant announcements since the last report to Members which relate to the following:


·                     Budget 2015;

·                     Queen’s speech;

·                     Summer budget 2015;

·                     Northern Powerhouse and devolution;

·                     Productivity Plan;

·                     Youth Employment Initiative;

·                     European Union membership;

·                     Welfare reform and tax credit changes;

·                     Counter terrorism;

·                     Spending Review 2015.


Councillor Adam referred to the social housing changes and the pay to stay proposals and asked how the council would be monitoring the impact in the future. The Corporate Public Relations and Policy Manager advised that the poverty action group would be looking at local implications and would report to Cabinet as the information comes through.


Referring to paragraph 38 of the report regarding devolution deals, and bidding rounds for more enterprise zones, Councillor Nearney asked if there was any indication on what would be available. The Chairman commented that there were many work streams looking at details relating to the settlement, discussions regarding enterprise zones had not taken place at this stage of the process. Councillor Crute added that there was limited incentive on Enterprise Zones and referred to national figures. He advised that situation would be monitored closely.


Councillor Hopgood asked if the council’s view was to support staying or leaving the European Union and if plans were in place if the outcome of the Referendum was to leave the EU. The Chairman responded that this was a question for the leadership to consider. Councillor Hopgood further enquired, linked to paragraph 139 of the report, what would be the impact if every school became an academy; the Chairman asked that this be taken back through the relevant scrutiny committee for consideration.


Councillor K Henig enquired if there was any further detail regarding fracking in the County. Councillor Martin indicated that he had been advised that County Durham was not a frackable area.


In response to comments from Councillor Lethbridge regarding flooding issues, the Chairman advised that there had been a special Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny meeting on the 8 February 2016 to discuss flooding risk management.


Councillor Wilkes referred to paragraph 142 of the report and expressed concern regarding schemes being delayed due to the European funding still not being released. Councillor Crute added that there had been delays in receiving the structural fund costing millions with the exchange rate. The Chairman replied that the detail on delivery would be reported to Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee and he would feedback progress.



That the information contained in the report and the actions taken to anticipate and respond to the government’s reforms be noted.


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