Agenda item

Notice of Key Decisions - Report of Head of Legal and Democratic Services


The Board considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services that provided a list of key decisions that were scheduled to be considered by the Executive (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Committee Services Officer reported that the next notice of key decisions was due to be published on the 16 February 2016 and since the last update there had been the following movement in items being considered at Cabinet:-


·         New to the plan for Cabinet in May 2016 - Office Accommodation Final Business Case.


The Chairman advised that the accommodation working group had visited North Tyneside and Redcar Council Offices in January for a tour of the facilities and the next stage was to consult with architects to evaluate members’ requirements.


In response to a query from Councillor Wilkes regarding the date that the County Durham Plan was to be considered by Cabinet, the Head of Planning and Performance clarified that the date change should have been identified as a change to the plan.


Councillor Hopgood asked if Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny were looking into the detail of the County Durham Plan and not just monitoring progress. The Chairman advised that all aspects were being considered by planners and more evidence was being added to the plan. He requested that further information be provided to the next Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny.



That the information contained in the report be noted.


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