Agenda item

Minutes of the meetings held on the 10 December and 17 December 2015


Minutes of the meetings held on the 10 December and 17 December 2015 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Referring to the recommendation from the minutes of the meeting held on the 10 December 2015, the Head of Planning and Performance advised that a further update report on progress made against the implementation timetable of the new DLI collection management arrangements was scheduled for the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board meeting on the 22 March 2016.


Referring to points raised from the minutes of the meeting held on the 17 December 2015, the Head of Planning and Performance provided the following updates:-


  • Item 6 paragraph 2 – information had been provided to Councillor Crute. With the introduction of Universal Credit, there would be some changes in the way statistics would be reported. Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny would be kept fully informed;
  • Item 6 paragraph 3 – a meeting had been arranged for the 9 March 2016 with Overview and Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs to review the work programme;
  • Item 6 paragraph 4 – a breakdown on the type of offences committed had been provided to Councillor Batey;
  • Item 6 paragraph 5 – the Employability Manager spoke to Councillor Hopgood directly regarding external funding to support the apprenticeship scheme;
  • Item 7 paragraph 6 – a response had been received from the Legal Manager, Governance and Elections regarding the Protocol for Cabinet questions and would be forwarded to Councillor Hopgood following the meeting;
  • Item 8 paragraph 3 - the Chairman asked that Councillor Hopgood put her concerns regarding the Notice of Key Decisions in writing and would be raised at the Constitution Working Group.


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