Agenda item

Quarterly Performance and Operational Report:

Report of the Bereavement Services Manager.


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager which provided an update relating to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).


The Bereavement Services Manager advised that there were 445 cremations undertaken during 1 September 2016 to 31 December 2016, compared to 455 in the comparable period last year, a decrease of 10 year on year. Regarding the sale of memorial plaques it was reported that the number and value of memorials sold year on year had increased by 6 (£1,239).


Moving on to discuss operational matters the Bereavement Services Manager advised that further to agreement of the Joint Committee at its last meeting, the vacant Business Admin Apprentice position had now been filled and the new member of staff was settling in well.


It was highlighted that the use of the crematorium chapel had started to increase for services only before moving on to another location for burial etc. This had impacted upon the number of cremations which were able to be undertaken and had resulted in a loss of income of approximately £3,850. The current charge for a chapel only service was £100, in comparison to £650 for a cremation. It was therefore proposed that the Joint Committee agree to impose a two tier pricing structure for chapel only services. During the periods of 10.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. it was proposed that the charge be increased from £100 to £600. It was further proposed to increase the charge for chapel only service prior to 10.00 a.m. or after 2.30 p.m. to £200 next year.


Further updates were provided with regard to the Green Flag application for 2017; and the recycling of metals scheme, which had generated £4,336 for Macmillan Cancer Support. The cheque was presented by the Chairman of the Joint Committee on 22 November 2016.


The Bereavement Services Manager then went on to provide an update in respect of works to be undertaken to install replacement cremators and mercury abatement equipment.  As reported at the previous meeting A.T.I were successful in tendering for the replacement cremators. Work had been ongoing with the Durham County Council’s design team and the cremator manufacturer in order to design equipment to fit in with the proposed extension. During consultations the Coal Authority had submitted some recommendations regarding the foundations used and this had been taken on board by the design team. Further details along with revised costings would be presented to the joint under Item 11.


A date for works to commence had now been agreed as 27 February 2017, with A.T.I expected to install cremators by September 2017. Completion of the scheme was expected by December 2017.


With regard to the proposals for a two tier chapel fee structure, Councillor Temple advised that Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee had recently adopted the same pricing structure..


It was noted that customers were choosing to hold non-religious services at Mountsett Crematorium and it was also often chosen because it was a lot cheaper than a church service. Councillor Nearney queried whether this was comparative to other crematoria in the region. The Bereavement Services Manager advised that benchmarking had been carried out. The Head of Finance (Financial Services) referred members to page 40 of the Fees and Charges report which highlighted those authorities who also imposed a differential charging structure offering highly discounted rates for less popular slots.


Councillor Dodds added that the figures contained in the table relating to Gateshead Crematoria were a little misleading. Gateshead Crematorium due to its setting, was less likely to attract people for services only and this had been reflected in the price.


Councillor Jewell asked whether there were any anticipated issues regarding service interruption whilst works were ongoing to install new cremators. In response the Bereavement Services Manager advised that the crematorium would operate over a 4 day working week with construction work taking place over Saturday-Monday for approximately six weeks. This approach was adopted during the improvement works at Central Durham Crematorium and had minimised disruption to services.




(i)           That the current performance of the crematorium be noted.

(ii)          That the current situation with regards to the business admin apprentice position be noted.

(iii)         That the increase in fees for Chapel only services be noted.

(iv)         That the application for the Green Flag Award be noted.

(v)          That the recent presentation of the ICCM metal recycling scheme cheque be noted.

(vi)         That progress in relation to the cremator replacement project be noted.


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