Agenda item

Changes to the Code of Practice for Local Authority Accounting in the UK 2015-16


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources that provided a summary of the key accounting changes in the latest edition of the Code of Practice for Local Authority Accounting in the UK (the Code), applied to the 2015/16 accounts (for copy see file of Minutes).

The Corporate Director of Resources assured Members that measures were in place to address the change in accounting policies.  However, he added that this challenge would become increasingly difficult for the authority to manage, due to the continuation of austerity cuts and the savings yet to be made. 


Mr Hoban said that it had been a struggle for the authority to hit dates whilst going through re-organisation and asked what had driven this change.  He was informed that the driver had been through accounting bodies to make the year end accounts more timelier with other public sector organisations, such as the Health Service.


Members were assured that arrangements were in place although it was note that this would be challenging.



That the report be noted.



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