Agenda item

Strategic Risk Management - Progress Report for the quarter ended 31 December 2015


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Resources which highlighted the strategic risks facing the Council and that gave an insight into the work carried out by the Corporate Risk Management Group during October to December 2015 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Insurance & Risk Officer informed the Committee that there were 24 strategic risks with the removal of two since the last report.  The risk regarding the banking contract had been reduced as had completed successfully on 11 May 2015.


The Chairman asked that assurance could be given in terms of how risks were managed, and was advised that training and guidance was given and that procedures and policies are adhered to.  The Corporate Director of Resources informed Members that he Chairs the Corporate Risk Management Group and issues were reported regularly to Corporate Management Team.  He advised that this group was attended by senior managers and that the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services.



That the report provides assurance that strategic risks are being effectively managed within the risk management framework across the Council.


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