Agenda item

Application 6/2010/428/DM - Broumley Court, Staindrop

Erection of 10 dwellinghouses and 4 bungalows with parking facilities


Erection of 10 dwellinghouses and 4 bungalows with parking facilities at Broumley Court, Staindrop


The Development Control Manager (Crook & Barnard Castle) presented a report on the above application; the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site. It was noted that a site visit had taken place earlier that day.


The Committee was addressed by Mr D McInnes, who objected to the application; whilst not opposed to redevelopment of the site he believed that the current proposal would result in too many houses on a relatively small site. He felt that members were being asked to make a decision about public safety as the proposed development would have an adverse impact on existing parking and traffic problems in and around Swan Wynd. He noted that parents of children attending the nearby primary school had been asked not to use Swan Wynd as a drop-off/pick-up point. He referred to an occasion when a child was killed outside the gates of a school that he taught at in London and suggested that something similar could happen here unless the application was rejected or amended.


The Highways Officer confirmed that any road safety issues at this location were associated with the school – there was a school travel plan and parents were encouraged not to use Swan Wynd or to park outside the school. The previous use of the Broumley Court site (31 sheltered accommodation flats) would have generated a certain level of traffic and, although it was anticipated that the proposed use would nearly double that, the peak flow could be expected between 5 and 6pm rather than at school drop-off/pick-up times. In the circumstances it was not possible to recommend a refusal on highway grounds.


Councillor Richardson indicated that he shared the views of objectors in this case and, whilst he would like to see affordable housing built, he was unable to support this proposal; he moved that the application be refused but this motion was not seconded.


Councillor Boyes moved that the application be approved subject to conditions; he was seconded by Councillor Todd.



That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report to the Committee and subject also to the prior completion of a satisfactory Agreement under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 to ensure that the housing remains affordable.


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