Agenda item

Application 7/2011/0019/DM - Duncombe Cemetery, Land to the rear of Cleves Avenue, Ferryhill

Construction of footpath link to Ferryhill Carrs Nature Reserve (Retrospective)


Construction of footpath link to Ferryhill Carrs Nature Reserve (retrospective) at Duncombe Cemetery/land to rear of Cleves Avenue, Ferryhill


The Development Control Manager (Spennymoor) presented a report on the above application; the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.It was noted that a site visit had taken place earlier that day.


The Committee was addressed by Councillor D Farry (local member) and Councillor B Avery (member for Chilton division); both members objected to the application on health and safety grounds. The new path was sited at the top of a steep embankment and was not currently fenced on that side. It was suggested that, if the application was to be approved, the existing cemetery fence should be extended along the length of the new footpath to protect walkers. The adequacy of the wooden post and rail fence on the other side of the new path was also questioned. It was noted that the nature reserve already had two access points and there had been complaints about youths congregating in the area, giving rise to anti social behaviour.


The Clerk to Ferryhill Town Council (applicant) was unable to attend the meeting but had submitted a statement, which was duly read out. He referred to the Town Council’s own risk assessment of the footpath, which had categorised the risk as ‘very low’. In the circumstances the Town Council did not believe that installing additional fencing would be a prudent use of public funds, although it intended creating some natural mounds along the edge of the path when soil became available.


Members felt that it was unfortunate that the Town Council had not applied for planning permission before creating this footpath; members agreed that this was a potentially dangerous location and suggested that a suitable condition be applied requiring the provision of fencing.


Councillor Boyes moved that the application be approved, subject to a condition regarding a means of enclosure; he was seconded by Councillor Campbell.



That the application be approved subject to a suitable condition being agreed (by the Development Control Manager in consultation with the Chair and Vice-chair of the Committee) with regard to a means of enclosure for the path.


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