Agenda item

Houses in Multiple Occupation - Adopted Standards and Licence Conditions - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which sought approval of a revised set of standards and licence conditions for houses in multiple occupation. The report also sought delegated authority to make minor amendments and legislative changes to update HMO standards and licence conditions as and when required.


The Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services informed the Council that adopting local HMO standards would provide landlords with detailed information on what is expected of them and provide the basis for enforcement standards.


Moved by Councillor B Young, Seconded by Councillor C Robson and



(i)                 That the Council adopt the revised standards and licence conditions contained in the report;


(ii)               That the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services and Head of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection be authorised to amend the standards and licence conditions to reflect changes in legislation as and when necessary in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


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