Agenda item

Local Transport Plan 3 - Joint Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development and Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Council considered a joint report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services and Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development which sought approval of a new local transport plan (LTP3) which would come into effect on 1 April 2011 for which the County Council has a statutory duty to produce and keep under review (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development informed the Council that the Local Transport Plan drawn up in two parts, strategy and delivery.  Councillor Foster, the Cabinet Portfolio holder highlighted that the LTP was the first one undertaken as a unitary authority which looked at areas such as regeneration, planning, housing and transportation.  The plan aligned strongly with local needs and other plans and provided the Council with a brief overview of the capital programme associated with the plan.


Moved by Councillor Foster, Seconded by Councillor B Young and




(i)                 That the County Council approve the third local transport plan (LTP3) comprising the transport strategy and the delivery plan including the capital programme for 2011/12;


(ii)               That the annual review and reporting regime to monitor and update outgoing performance and delivery of the plan’s objectives be noted.


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