Agenda item

RE Inspector Report


Members considered the report of the Specialist Inspector for Religious Education which was the RE Inspector Report for the Summer Term 2016 (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The report looked at the following:-


·       RE Networks

·       GCSE Conference

·       New GCSEs in Religious Studies

·       Contribution of RE to British Values

·       Local Partnerships

·       RE Hub

·       Withdrawn of RE and Collective Worship

·       RE, Academies, Free Schools, White Paper and all that

·       KS3 Unit – What Do Christians Believe?


Members discussed the contents of the report.


J Bainbridge sought clarification if RE networks still took place in schools. The Specialist Inspector for Religious Education responded that that they did not have networks in schools anymore and a central network is held at Durham Leadership Centre in school time each term. This has resulted in an increase in the number of attendees.


C Spencer sought clarification on withdrawal from Religious Education and Collective Worship and if parents withdrew their child would any siblings automatically be withdrawn. The Specialist Inspector for Religious Education responded that her advice would always be not to assume that parents will withdraw all children in the family from Religious Education and/or collective worship.


I Hunter-Smart sought clarification on the terminology of Religious Education and Religious Studies. The Specialist Inspector for Religious Education responded that Religious Education was statutory for all pupils. Religious Education involves knowledge and understanding of religions, critical thinking and reflection. It is therefore both academic in its approach to the study of religion but also gives opportunity for spiritual moral, social and cultural development of the child. The phrase Religious Studies refers to the externally accredited academic qualification e.g. GCSE and advanced level.


This is not compulsory. This is an academic approach to the study of religion and does not involve personal or spiritual reflection in the same way.


Resolved: That the report be noted.

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