Agenda item

DM/15/03900/FPA and DM/15/03901/LB - Auckland Castle, Market Place, Bishop Auckland

Erection of restaurant and new greenhouses within walled garden


Consideration was given to the report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of a restaurant and new greenhouses within the walled garden at Auckland Castle, Market Place, Bishop Auckland (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. He advised that since the report had been submitted, local Member Councillor Zair had verbally offered his support to the proposals which recognised the historic nature of the site and were appropriate.


Councillor Kay, in acknowledging that he could not vote on the application as he had entered the meeting during the Officer presentation, commented on construction access arrangements and was informed that a condition was proposed which would protect the integrity of listed structures, recognising that a separate planning application would be required for an alternative access route to the rear of the park.


Councillor Richardson made the point that the images shown in the Officer presentation did not properly show the steep incline of the gardens which could present difficulties for wheelchair users. Although he supported the scheme, on a personal level he did not like the ‘bubble’ design of the restaurant.   


Councillor Nicholson considered that the proposal was part of the ongoing plans for Auckland Castle and Eleven Arches, and the proposed development would serve to enhance these.  Although he shared Councillor Richardson’s views about design, he appreciated that it had been designed by a well-known Japanese architect.


The Chairman noted that there had been some concerns expressed about noise but that these had been addressed in the report.


Councillors Clare and Davidson felt that any impact on heritage would be outweighed by the quality of the design and the benefits the proposed development would bring to the area.


Upon a vote being taken it was Resolved:


That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.



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