Agenda item



With the addition of the following amendment to item 4, paragraph 2 of the minutes from the meeting held on the 19 February 2016, the minutes of the meetings held on the 12 and 19 February 2016 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman:-


“The Chairman referred to a request from Councillor M Wilkes asking if the Committee would consider an additional paper at the start of the meeting on his suggested proposals on savings within the budget report. The Chairman advised that this additional paper could not be considered, but that this information would be passed to the Cabinet portfolio holder following the meeting”.


Referring to points raised from the minutes of the meeting held on the 12 February 2016, the Head of Planning and Performance provided the following updates:-


  • Item 6 paragraph 8 – regarding delays to EU funding, an agreement had now been signed and work would start to promote and deliver the youth initiative employment programs;
  • Item 8 paragraph 5 – an update on the County Durham was scheduled to be presented to Cabinet on 6 April 2016 and the timetables and process would be presented to Cabinet in June 2016.



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